What the papers said about the 5 year fixed rate mortgage war

There was only one mortgage story on the lips of the financial press this weekend, and that was the 5-year fixed rate ‘mortgage war’.

Lisa Parker
April 18, 2017
What the papers said about the 5 year fixed rate mortgage war

There was only one mortgage story on the lips of the financial press this weekend, and that was the 5-year fixed rate ‘mortgage war’. Interest rates on longer term fixed mortgages have been falling steadily over the past few months, as lenders fought to attract more business, amid a climate of economic uncertainty. The competition has ramped up within the last couple of weeks however, with new banks emerging, and old ones returning to the market. As a result we are once again seeing the launch of more ultra-low rates, but experts are urging borrowers to act quickly, as these deals are not expected to around for very long.

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